What The Experts Say

Experts say things differently, sometimes contradicting each other. However, there are some common themes amongst their reviews...

Firstly, self-awareness and self-love. Discard or manage your emotional baggage. When you want to date, get out of your social comfort zone but beware of dating disasters. Avoild certain types of dates and situation.

Next, don't jsut go for conventional date, give online dating a try. Learn some "date lines" (but ont "pick-up" lines) and start things on the right track by learning to communicate effectively.

When you are a couple, continue to add some sparkle in the relationship. A relationship has to be dynamic and romantic, sparkled with possibilities and potential. Add sizzle to your relationship, keep the flame alive!

Break-ups do happen but that does not mean failure. It just meant that the person in your relationship is not suitable for you (or vice versa) at this point of your life.

Lastly, when you ready to settle down, be prepared. Discussed all the issues that will cropped up in your life together and worked through them.

The following reviews are the 5 aspects of the dating process:

1. When to find dates (avenues and etiquettes).
2. How to flirt (what to say on dates).
3. How to fall in love and how to kiss (physically and emotionally).
4. How to stay in love or remain positive after a break-up (go back to step 1).
5. How to stop dating and start a new life together (forever) with committment and marriage.

What The Experts Say